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Joining and Starting an IIBA Chapter

There are 120+ chapters in over 40 countries worldwide. Local Chapters support IIBA Members and help them grow professionally through events, networking and volunteer opportunities, study groups, mentorship, and more. 

Chapter Leader Digital Badges Available (Ad) - Learn More

Chapter Events

Your membership is a global pass to hundreds of events from Chapters around the world, in every time zone and in numerous languages. Participation earns CDUs toward your certification. 

Events Calendar

Start a Chapter

A minimum of three IIBA Members must coordinate start-up activities and at least 20 must form the new Chapter’s membership.   
Start-Up Toolkit
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IIBA Connections

If there is no IIBA Chapter in your area, IIBA Connections acts as your Chapter in your IIBA Profile until you choose a Chapter to be associated with or a Chapter opens in your area. 


Although IIBA Members can access every chapter in the world, they are affiliated with only one in their profile—think of it as your home base! This is typically the chapter they interact with most, but it can be changed at any time.

When you join IIBA, you can choose your chapter affiliation. If you don’t, you’re assigned one near you. If there isn’t one near you, you’re assigned to IIBA’s Connections. 

IIBA Connections acts as a placeholder in your IIBA Profile until you choose an existing Chapter to be associated with or a Chapter opens in your area. 

Join Events and Use Resources from Different Chapters

Members are welcome to interact with any IIBA Chapter, no matter which one they’re assigned to. Sign into any Chapter website using your login to access Chapter-specific news, events, and resources. 

“IIBA connects me to the Business Analysis Community. I have a place to ask questions while getting the opportunity to practice and grow my skills.” 

- Jamie Champagne, IIBA Hawaii Chapter

IIBA Chapter Awards Program

Through the Chapter Awards Program, IIBA recognizes the achievements of Chapters around the world, acknowledging leaders and innovators within their business analysis communities.